The Lumzy Sisters


This month we take a look at the Brand New release from the exciting The Lumzy Sisters.  After five years without a recording this new release proves one simple point.  When true God given talent is combined with top rate production you have a hit on your hands.  Under the leadership of Chequita Lumzy, the Lumzy Sisters have traveled for well over 30 years spreading the gospel in song.  With numerous 45s and albums to their credit, these ladies of song have definitely been trailblazers in the female quartet arena.  How many groups can go without a release for 5 years and continue to have busy traveling schedules? 

From the first selection to the last, the listener is treated to good old quartet singing.  The project  opens with the laid back ballad "Wait".  Chequita is definitely in her element on this song as she toys with the listener, alternating between explosions of vocal exuberance and her patented whisper style.  The song is set to a cool mid-tempo beat, giving it that perfect groove that will definitely cause you to press the repeat button on your CD player.  Just when you thought things couldn't get any better, Chequita returns with the upcoming HIT drive selection and title cut "Satisfied".  This song is nothing short of pure Lumzy Sister bliss.  The Sisters have long been known for their killer musicians and vocal harmony and it all comes out on this cut.  On this number Chequita and the Sisters bare down on the throttle with all the force of a freight train!  By the time the song ends, even the most conservative listener will be on their feet Praisin' God.

After wrecking the studio with "Satisfied" the Lumzy's shift into a very popular choir tune "Safe In His Arms".  This beautiful ballad is given new dimensions as Chequita shows why she is one of the top female lead vocalists in the business.  Another song of note is the smooth remake of the Lumzy's 1993 hit recording for the AIR record label "Precious".  This new version is definitely much smoother than the original. Following "Precious" is a great new selection called "I Love You".  This selection seems to have been influenced by the late Frank Williams "Lord I Need You To Hold My Hand" recorded during the 1980s for Malaco Records.  As you read this review you may be wondering when the Lumzy's will get to a real laid back bluesy barnburner.  If you fall into this category than wonder no longer.  "Prayer Will Win" is steeped in the age old tradition of "Lord Will Make A Way" influenced ballads.  Chequita is at her best on this selection, introducing a mind boggling variety of vocal acrobatics. 

As this review draws to a close I must make mention of the project's other drive song "Redeemed".  This song has a real serious down home quartet feel that is literally perfect in every way.  Not only does it express Psalm 137:2 in song, but it makes you want to jump up and be a witness for the Lord!  This is one of those songs that you  wish they allowed the band jam privileges even after the singing has ended.  The group's years of experience and family closeness is evident on this song and throughout the entire project.  

This much anticipated project by the Lumzy Sisters is on the whole a perfect recording.  It meets, and possibly surpasses all of the AIR recordings, and will definitely put the Lumzy Sister name back on the lips of quartet fans nationwide.  As with many other reviews presented on Gloryland Gospel literally every song on this release could be mentioned.  All that is really left to say is you really need to add this recording to your collection today. This project will be available November 12th everywhere so feel free to pre-order from your favorite on-line CD shop or local record store.  



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